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punch | 00:42 |

Bulbulay is the most funniest family sitcom that paksitani director has ever produced.The program is written by famous script writer Ali Imran and it is directed by Rana Rizwan.The producer of this comidic serioul is Nabeel him self.He is also a character in this drama.Nabeel ,Ayesha Omar ,Hina Dilpazeer and Mahmood Aslam are the main character.It is currently the most watched drama and the reason for its popularity is the acting of Hina Dilpazeer as she provides comedic value.

Although most episodes are about Nabeel & co. being conned, robbed or just having bad luck and every episode ends with the family being ripped off, or either of the men getting a beating from their wives for cheating on them, or have their plans foiled. (e.g. throwing away a coupon worth a million rupees). There is a very slow moving story to the series. Which started off as Nabeel and Mahmood living in an apartment as bachelors and has now progressed to both of them getting married and forming families and having children.


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