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Housefull 2

punch | 00:11 |

It's difficult to call the makers of Housefull 2 mindless or unintelligent. There's no way someone can make something so silly and not know it. It requires a high level of awareness to write and make a film so profoundly senseless. And from the manner in which the entire audience was laughing it looks like they have done their homework on what the 'first day first show' audience enjoys. Of course, none of this newfound admiration converts me into that part of the audience that enjoys such humor.
Given how little typical slapstick makes me laugh, it was almost a miracle that I laughed hard at a couple of the 'repeat phrase/expression' assigned to a couple of characters. And of course, they had to go ahead and spoil it by repeating it, for what feels like, a few hundred times! And that's the problem with films like these. They don't know where to stop, neither with their specific jokes nor the film itself.
It's high time, we make it mandatory for writers to spend a year just on the climax. The utter tomfoolery in the last 20-30 minutes makes you want to bang your head on a wall harder than you were doing thus far. What with one of the worst opening sequences ever.
Yet, a part of me is in awe of the writer's capacity to keep the utter chaos amongst twelve lead characters at a peak through most of the film. Of course again, I didn't enjoy the chaos but I certainly couldn't stop admiring how the writers seemed to have the story straight in their head amidst absolute commotion.
The writing also attempts at a wide range of tools to create humor - from puns to rhymes to toilet humor to sexual jokes to sarcasm to 'pet phrases/expressions' to mimicry to what-say-you. Some work, most don't. Almost all repeat.
Also, for a change I enjoyed Akshay Kumar and John Abraham's comic timing. Before it became repetitive. Amongst the women Asin gets a teeny-weeny bit to display her ability to make people laugh. While Riteish Deshmukh and Shreyas Talpade have as banal and inconsequential roles as the rest of the women, they at least are not insulted for being the gender they belong to. Please appreciate the amount of control I've maintained in not going all out and on and on about how ridiculously stupid ALL the women in the film are. Also, the lesser I say about the veterans the quicker I'll be able to forget how insulted I felt by watching them in such menial roles.
Housefull 2 is one of those rare films where I looked forward to the song breaks - nice, colorful, well-dressed good-looking people. That just about describes Housefull 2 in its entirety except that the film has some not-so-good-looking people too.
Well lets see this ovie will be floped or hit...lets hope for well...................because all is well...


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